Check out various mentions of my research in the news and other popular press articles:
Journal Neuroscience Featured Research. (2022, Sept 26)
Marsden Fund Highlights. The hormone that makes good dads. (2020, Sept 16)
Radio NZ interview. Breastfeeding hormone makes new fathers better dads. (2020, Sept 6)
Stuff. Breastfeeding hormone makes new fathers better dads. (2020, Sept 7)
University of Otago News: Breastfeeding hormone makes new fathers better dads. (2020, Sept 7)
"Lactation hormone cues birds to be good parents" by Susan Kelley, Cornell Chronicle, January 2018
"The Three Minute Pitch" by Jamie Chamberlin, Monitor on Psychology, December 2017
"Psychologists in the News" Monitor on Psychology, September 2017